Using the quality function deployment and fuzzy goal programming in the advancement of financial inclusion Case Study of the National Bank of Algeria

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Soumia Boushaba
Nassira Oubekhti
Mohammed Mékidiche


Through this study, we seek to enhance financial inclusion, by promoting financial services, and in order to reach this goal, we used the quality function deployment, Where Fuzzy (QFD) approaches are applied to formulate fuzzy relationships between customer requirements (CRs) and design requirements (DRs) In addition to the importance of design requirements, where the level of achievement of each DRs can be determined. , which affects each of the CRs to increase the quality of financial services, and with two other goals to increase them, which are the level of use and the level of access, we use programming models with fuzzy objectives, where the optimal solution can be suffice because it is an acceptable level of satisfaction. Alternatively, satisfaction can be increased by forgoing the achievement of certain restrictions, or by changing the level of restrictions and satisfaction with the resulting affiliation level, The result was to achieve the promotion of financial inclusion by defining the maximum level of achievement of its dimensions, Where the focus is on (time commitment) at a higher level of achievement, Then (the general appearance of the bank and its employees), and with regard to (knowledge and understanding of the customer) and (the efficiency of employees), the level of achieving each of them remains at its lowest levels.


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How to Cite
Boushaba , S., Oubekhti , N., & Mékidiche , M. (2022). Using the quality function deployment and fuzzy goal programming in the advancement of financial inclusion: Case Study of the National Bank of Algeria. El-Bahith Review, 22(1), 235–242. Retrieved from

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